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The Security Challenges of API Sprawl

Security Boulevard |
API sprawl can prevent adoption of new security approaches across the board and leave more vulnerable security…

Insight: Bringing Open Banking to North America in 2023

Open Banking Expo |
Eyal Sivan discusses how the announcement of a US Open Banking rule represents a significant shift in the financial…

Axway 2023 Predictions: In 2023, digital transformation is... transforming

VMblog |
Brian Otten discusses an encouraging shift in thinking about technology that he hopes will continue to gain steam in…

Tech in 2023: Innovation, cybersecurity and sustainability

Data Centre Review Magazine |
2023 will witness widespread growth in partner and public APIs in addition to internal ones, according to William…

Survey Sheds Light On Cloud, API Expertise Skills Gap |
86% of respondents in the Axway 2022 Open Everything Survey feared an expertise gap in the coming years.

3 Cloud Computing Trends That Will Improve Performance, Cost in 2023

IT Pro Today |
Cloud optimization benefits all enterprises that are faced with budget constraints and so are trying to do more with…

The future of finance: Predictions for 2023

Global Banking & Finance Review |
Eyal Sivan anticipates Europe will play catchup to the rest of the world where data sharing is concerned in 2023.

Enterprises cite data security, API ‘sprawl’ and talent gap as main API strategy concerns

Open Banking Expo |
Findings from the Axway 2022 Open Everything Strategy Survey Report: increased API budgets, data security concerns, and…

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