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Enquête Axway : Les Français favorables au tracking électronique s’ils sont informés

Assurance & Banque 2.0 |
Axway survey finds the French are in favor of a freer exchange of data, provided that they can keep the ownership and…

Data Science: A Guide to Careers and Team Building

Information Week |
A curated guide of articles and resources to help IT professionals learn how to make a career out of data science.

Thought Leaders Provide 2022 Safer Internet Day Tips, Tricks and Advice

VMblog |
David McKenna shares why it's important to keep systems up to date.

«Les APIs dynamisent l’activité de l’entreprise et ses relations avec les écosystèmes.»

Place de l'IT |
Axway CEO Patrick Donovan discusses how APIs drive business and strengthen an enterprise's relationships within…

Axway-Studie: Kunden vertrauen Open Banking, suchen mehr Freizügigkeit

IT Finanzmagazin |
Axway study shows customers trust open banking, are looking for more freedom of movement.

Axway nomme Yves Lajouanie à la direction générale EMEA

Distributique |
Axway appoints Yves Lajouanie as EMEA General Manager.

« Les API aident les entreprises à transformer leur business model »

Informatique News |
Yves Lajouanie shares how APIs have opened up information systems and allow businesses to imagine new services and…

Open Banking: Zuverlässigkeit und Freizügigkeit gefordert

Geldinstitute |
An Axway study shows how consumers in Germany rate open banking and their relationship with financial service providers…

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