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Covéa poursuit sa transformation avec le déploiement de son nouveau Système d’Information Finance, basé sur une solution SAP & AXWAY

Covéa |
Covéa continues its transformation with the deployment of its new Finance Information System, based on an SAP &…

Digitale Transformation läuft über die Schnittstelle

IT-Zoom |
In an op-ed, Axway CTIO Vince Padua explains why APIs play an important role for companies on the path to digital…

Exec Q&A with Stephen de Vries, IriusRisk CEO and co-founder

Technology Magazine |
de Vries describes how Axway integrated with IriusRisk to introduce Automated Threat Modeling Platform to the Axway…

Especialistas da Axway debatem Open Everything

Channel 360 |
Axway experts discuss one of the biggest trends in technology, Open Everything, at the 6th edition of API Connect…

Les API, véritable pont entre Open Banking et Open Finance

Alliancy |
Catalyst Emmanuel Methivier discusses the difference between Open Banking and Open Finance and how APIs are a bridge…

How to minimize new technical debt

Info World |
Ruby Raley explains why reducing and addressing technical debt is more important today because of skill shortages and…

Information Protection Strategy for Security Service Providers

City Security Magazine |
A recent Axway survey revealed that 85 per cent of respondents had serious concerns over how their data is stored and…

Axway: Desentrañando el lenguaje del Cloud

WiderPool |
Antonio Martínez Martínez, Axway's Iberia Sales Director, unravels the language of the Cloud via the element that…

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