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US companies face hefty fines for GDPR violations

Cyber Protection Magazine |
Axway survey finds 85% of people are concerned that their online data may not be secure.

Tecnologia e digitalização são caminho para mudar o mundo

WATCH: Axway CEO Patrick Donavan describes how APIs can speed the pace of digital transformation.

Social Impact Tech: Ruby Raley of Axway On How Their Technology Will Make An Important Positive Impact

Authority Magazine |
Axway's Ruby Raley shares how open healthcare can put choice and information in patients’ hands.

The Rise of Open Banking: How Big Data Is Changing Fintech

FinTech Magazine |
Eyal Sivan says open banking is evolving not just vertically into open finance, but also horizontally into open data.

Axway leads the way in helping organisations to “Open Everything” with an API-first foundation INDUSTRY NEWS

UK Tech News |
Axway is calling on organizations everywhere to securely “Open Everything” by unlocking the full value of their…

Les API : les bons élèves de la transformation digitale des entreprises

Journal du net |
Axway's Mourad Jaakou discusses how to manage and secure APIs.

The technologies set to boost the finance sector in 2022

Finance Digest |
Axway's Eyal Sivan says open banking focus will fundamentally shift from regulatory compliance to the generation of…

Commerzbank enables truly customer-centric services

Digitalisation World |
The story of a leading German bank's digital transformation with Axway.

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