Insurance Company

"We've now been partnering with Axway for many years, and in all that time we've never had any serious issues with SecureTransport. The solution just runs and runs, and the volume of MFT transactions it can support is pretty amazing."


operations cost-savings by moving MFT to the cloud


high reliability for multi-million-dollar banking transactions


and user self-service reduce MFT workloads

Case study details

Based in North America, this insurance company employs thousands of people worldwide. As a financial services leader, managed file transfer (MFT) plays a crucial role in the company’s day-to-day operations. From its central MFT platform, the company transports thousands of files every day on behalf of a wide range of business users.

A spokesperson for the company elaborates: “Many teams depend on our MFT capability to perform their work. We process millions of dollars in banking transactions each month via our MFT platform. We have stringent service-level agreements to meet, and any unplanned downtime would have a major business impact.”

Serving a growing business

As the insurance company grew, it found that rising file transfer volumes were putting pressure on its existing MFT estate. To solve the challenge, the company looked for a robust and scalable solution that would meet its long-term needs.The spokesperson explains: “Our goal was to drive greater standardization in our approach to MFT across the business. The ultimate destination was to offer reliable MFT capabilities to the entire global business as a shared, highly automated service. And to make that vision a reality, we needed to find the right partner.”

Deploying a scalable MFT solution

By selecting Axway SecureTransport as its central MFT solution, the insurance company can deliver scalable, secure file transfers combined with streamlined self-service capabilities.“With SecureTransport, we can process file transfers for thousands of users with an MFT team of just five people,” confirms the spokesperson. “We achieved cut file transfer costs and complexity, and add self-service capabilities to meet all SLAs. This level of efficiency by leveraging Axway APIs to build self-service portals. The result is that most MFT processes are entirely automated. When my team logs on for work in the morning, all we need to do is clear out a handful of failed jobs from the previous night; the process runs extremely smoothly.”

Providing ultra-reliable services

With SecureTransport delivering automated file exchanges at enterprise scale, the insurer is free to grow its business with the peace of mind that mission-critical MFT capabilities are always available.The spokesperson adds, “We’ve now been partnering with Axway for many years, and in all that time we’ve never had any serious issues with SecureTransport. The solution just runs and runs, and the volume of MFT transactions it can support is pretty amazing.”Starting the journey to cloudWith an eye to the future, the company has embarked on a far-reaching cloud transformation project. The company is now in the process of shifting SecureTransport from an on-premises environment to the cloud.“

Moving SecureTransport to the cloud makes perfect sense in the context of our wider transformation,” comments the spokesperson. “By embracing the cloud approach, we can achieve the same high levels of availability for our vital MFT services while driving down operational cost and complexity.”

Identifying automation opportunities

Looking further ahead, the insurer plans to build on its partnership with Axway to unlock even higher levels of automation and efficiency in its MFT process.“Our long-term goal is to move more of our point-to-point integrations to the self-service model, and we’re working with Axway to explore how we can achieve that with SecureTransport,” concludes the spokesperson. “When it comes to MFT, creating a robust self-service model is the only truly efficient way to enable growth. With SecureTransport, we’re confident we can unlock even greater speed, convenience and agility for our B2B integration services.”